Students drawing in school art room

Centre monitoring

What is centre monitoring

Centre monitoring is a national monitoring programme designed to ensure the required standards of delivery and assessment of Arts Award qualifications are maintained by all centres.

It aims to be a supportive experience leading to improved delivery and assessment outcomes for young people taking part in the awards. Centre monitoring focuses on the processes the centre uses to ensure that the quality of the programme and accuracy of assessment is maintained by all staff involved in delivering the awards rather than reviewing the evidence for specific groups.

We hope the process will raise the confidence of centres and advisers, identify and address issues, and increase the quality of delivery across the whole Arts Award community.

Monitoring is not intended to function as an inspection however, centres must respond to feedback in their future delivery of the awards.

How does it work?

A sample of centres delivering the Explore, Bronze, Silver or Gold awards will be selected on an annual basis to be monitored. Trinity operates an external quality assurance model which means your centre will not be monitored every year.

Centre monitoring is separate and different from moderation and will take the form of an online meeting with an experienced Arts Award monitor.  The meeting should be attended by the centre representative* and at least one trained Arts Award adviser and will last 1 hour and 30 minutes.

All centres will receive written feedback as an outcome of the monitoring meeting. 

*The centre representative is the person in authority at the centre responsible for overseeing the awards, this person may or may not be involved in delivering and assessing the awards. 

What do I need to do?

  1. Respond promptly to any requests to attend a centre monitoring meeting, completing a short form telling us about your current Arts Award delivery plans before the meeting takes place
  2. Confirm your availability to attend the monitoring meeting, ensuring both the centre representative and adviser can attend 
  3. Read the Centre Monitoring Requirements Guidance to make sure you understand how centre monitoring works and to prepare for the meeting


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